Our experience spans the globe.
Morgantown, West Virginia
...And it all started here. If you own a Volkswagen, then you know who these folks are as of last year. If you manufacture heavy duty diesel engines, you knew who these folks were a long time ago. I swept the floors and helped change engines on the dyno while they crunched the numbers. Dr. Thompson (left) gave me a recommendation for grad school that got my foot in the door. Dan Carder (right) is, without a doubt, an exceptionally smart and ethical man.
Dr. K. Linga Murty is an accomplished scientist in the area of materials. Together, we fabricated equipment to perform precision measurements on strain, creep, and burst characteristics for Zircaloy (reactor fuel rod) materials.
Nuclear power reigns supreme in France, as they have very little fossil fuels on which to rely. As a result, they are in the business of selling nuclear technology. We helped France to spread civilian nuclear technology to underdeveloped countries.
We participated in the construction of the Olkiuoto 3 (far right) nuclear reactor. As this picture shows, a 4th reactor is in their future (center, left). Finland is a beautiful country, which nuclear energy keeps pollution free. Kiitos, Suomi.
Big Island, Virginia
This is one of the oldest paper mills in the USA...125 years in 2016. There are 5th generation employees. The wood shipped to this mill is second to its people as a natural resource.